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Welcome to the
International Euphorbia Society

Welcome to the International Euphorbia Society (IES) dedicated to the furtherance of knowledge of plants of the Euphorbiaceae and of their cultivation.

At this site you can find information about:

  • Euphorbiaceae, a description and their cultivation
  • The aims, constitution, officials, and international representatives of the IES
  • Membership
  • Our journal "Euphorbia World", a sample article and information about how to become an author for this journal
  • News and additions/changes to this website and events to be organised
  • Links to other interesting websites

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the I.E.S.

The 18th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Saturday September 9th, 2023 at 14:00h local time at the Hotel Corsendonk Duinse Polders, Ruzettelaan 195, 8370 Blankenberge, Belgium. Host for this event is the 57th European Cactus & Succulent Congress, organized by the Europese Landen Konferentie (ELK), at the resort mentioned above.

Besides attending the I. E. S. Annual General Meeting on Saturday September 9th, please enjoy a free visit to this 3-day renowned fair and exposition of cacti and other succulent plants. The fair is recommended if you are searching for some traditional collector's specimens, some rarities and recently discovered or newly described succulent plants. For programme and four lectures, please, consult the website at www.elkcactus.eu

The AGM agenda can be viewed and downloaded here.

NEW 2023

Membership Renewals for 2023

You will notice that there is no option to renew your membership for 2023. This is because Volker, our hard working editor, was seriously ill last year and was unable to process volumes 2 and 3. Thankfully, he is on the road to recovery and is working to catch up on the missing journals.

It was decided that the Society would not be issuing any journals for 2023 but that we would allow Volker to catch up by producing volumes 2 and 3 of 2022 during this year. Consequently there will be no subscription fees for the coming year. We hope you understand this decision and we must look forward to the remaining two volumes during 2023.

You are of course still be able to use the PayPal buttons to subscribe for 2022, 2021 and 2020, and are also able to purchase back numbers.

The committee wishes you all a Happy New Year and good growing for 2023.

Regards, Bob Potter

Treasurer and Membership Secretary

Journals of the Euphorbiaceae Study Group Bulletin available

The Netherlands Succulent Society have some journals of the Euphorbiaceae Study Group Bulletin available.

The Euphorbiaceae Study Group was the fore runner of our International Euphorbia Society and was formed By Daphne and Albert Pritchard in the late 1980s. There was a bulletin issued 3 times per year and was put together by Daphne and Albert and contained stuck-in photographs to accompany the text. The articles they contained were varied and of much interest, these bulletins are quite rare now and this is a good opportunity to acquire some of them.

The full list and how to buy them is available here..

Jatropha book of Daphne and Albert Pritchard now available

Jatropha Book cover image

You can purchase this book at a price of £20.00 plus postage (UK: £3.00; Europe: £7.00; rest of the world: £12.00) on the society's website or by ordering it from our Treasurer and Membership Administrator Bob Potter by e-mail ([email protected]).

Members attending the Annual Genaral Meeting of the I.E.S. on September, 9th, at the holiday resort 'Corsendonk Duinse Polders', Ruzettelaan 195, in Blankenberge, Belgium, can purchase the book at a price of £20.00 resp. €22.00 without extra cost for postage.

More details


Design: Anke Minuth